The redheaded chick served the big dick nigger to the fullest. When he put it in her mouth, I thought he was going to cut a hole in the back of her head. So big she couldn't even swallow him whole.
Anand| 18 days ago
It's not for nothing they say that negroes have unbelievably big trunks! He is not even trying to drive the whole shaft into his lady, no more than half of it! I wonder if there's any ladies you can drive a shaft like that into?
Boys, who wants me like that?
I'd like a massage, too.
I'd like to fuck her, where are you women?
That's a good fuck, she's a real hard-ass.
What's this model's name?
The redheaded chick served the big dick nigger to the fullest. When he put it in her mouth, I thought he was going to cut a hole in the back of her head. So big she couldn't even swallow him whole.
It's not for nothing they say that negroes have unbelievably big trunks! He is not even trying to drive the whole shaft into his lady, no more than half of it! I wonder if there's any ladies you can drive a shaft like that into?
I want to have hard sex.